Question: Why are you writing this in your Africa Blog, instead of writing under some blog which may be called 'South America' or 'Venezuela' or 'World Economic Scene'?. Ans: The Problems of Poverty and Deprivation are Universal. The problems of Venezuela or the South America do not be taken as restrictive only to South America or Venezuela. They are very much relevant to Bulk of Africa, Bulk of Asia, and probably even Bulk of Europe. Africa and South America, in World Affairs are like Cinderella(s). That means they have been neglected by the NAEURANZ Heads of State&Governments and their Media.
NAEURANZ in all my Blogs refer to: North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand.
I shall first start with a Link, which contains a latest piece of Article about "Socialism" and "Venezuela",viewed from Western Eyes. Click here to go https://www.spectator.co.uk/2018/08/venezuelas-great-socialist-experiment-has-brought-a-country-to-its-knees/
Question: Most Marxists and Socialists support Autocracies and Dictatorships run by Despots and Tyrants. You may be one of them.
Ans: Nay, not. We cannot support Despots and Tyrants, irrespective of whether they call their Governments as (Hypocritical and Ostensible) Democracies and Socialist/Communist Nations. By all means, we have to despise such Monsters.
Now, what is the purpose of your giving the above Spectator Article Link?
Ans: We know that in hypocritical Socialist/Marxist/Communist countries, everything monstrous goes on behind Iron Curtains. In the guise of throwing light on what is happening in hypocritical Socialist/Marxist/Communist Monstrous countries, Western Media and Writers take to another type of Propaganda of Misinformation because it suits the needs of their Obnoxious Capitalism and their Multinationals, and their Crony-Capitalist Politicians and Crony-Capitalist-Journalists.Quote from the Article | ybrao-a-donkey's views, not intended to be imposed on others |
Nationalisations, non-stop borrowing, belief in magic money trees: it can all sound like playground patter in British debates. But a strong enough dose of this formula has reduced what was once Latin America’s most prosperous country to penury. The rhetoric, as always with socialism, is aimed at the wealthy. One of the many morals of the Venezuelan tragedy is that it is the poorest, those who do not have bank accounts, who suffer the most when money dies. | This Article is written from the Angle of Politics of U.K. British Capitalists, right from their days of East India Company days of 1600, do not relish the idea that Wealth can be owned by Nations and States, instead of Individuals, Families, and Corporates.
Non-stop Borrowing: Even United States is doing. U.S.A. is the largest Debtor of the World. About belief in Magic Money Trees: These beliefs exist even in NAEURANZ. About Venezuela's reduction to Penury: Corruption of Dictators both when Venezuela was in the Sacred Capitalism of the NAEURANZ type, and the Chavez Socialism type, might have led to hijacking away the Wealth of Venezuela to Tax Havens run by NAEURANZ. Socialism does not lead to penury. Socialism involves sharing of Poverty, which may not be liked by Upper Middle Class and the Wealthy Classes. In Socialism, as long as Dictators do not hijack and transfer their ill-gotten wealth to Tax Haven countries, Wealth is bound to remain in the same country. Then, the question of trickling down the benefits of the Wealth to everybody in the Economy and the Society will take the Lead. Here also, Dictators can cause injustices and hardships to People who do not curry favor the Coteries. |
‘Let’s have faith,’ Maduro said in the speech detailing his latest plan. ‘Rest assured that sooner or later, we, in economic matters, will be harvesting victories.’ Thousands of his citizens gave their answer this week by heading for the border: so many that Ecuador has started to demand passports, rather than the identity cards they used to accept. A passport is hard to come by. Such is the corruption that it costs $1,500 in bribes — so only the wealthy can afford to walk over the border. The rest are trapped in a country run by a narco-criminal gang whose cronies have benefited hugely from arbitraging the official and black market exchange rates for more than a decade. They do not care one jot about reducing the people to paupers in the process. It is estimated that two million Venezuelans have become food scavengers. | If Maduro tried to create 'self-confidence' in his People, we can welcome it. But at the same time, we have to expect Honesty from not only himself, but also from his Lieutenant Assisting Functionaries such as Finance Minister, Home Minister, Food Minister.
The Author of the Spectator Article seems to show false sympathy on the Poor of the Venezuela who could not cross over to Ecuadar or Peru, because they could not purchase Passports by bribing Venezuelan Govt. Officials. Poor leaving their Motherlands to neighborhood countries by crossing over from borders is a Natural Phenomenon. For example, BanglaDesh Poor are crossing over to Assam and other North Eastern States in India, as if Assam and NE States of India are Eden Gardens. They are just Crossover from one "Condition of Poverty" to another "Condition of Poverty". There may be minor variances, between the Poverty Levels of NE Indians and the Bangla Deshi Citizens. But by and large, a Migration will not give a Great Economic Uplift. |
Role of U.K. in Global Corruption and Deprivation of several countries in the World
Before we go to further analyses of more quotes, here are more views of ybrao-a-donkey:-- Mr. Jason Mitchell, the Author of the above Article has to explain why U.K. gives shelter only to Economic Offenders and Serious Economic Offence Fugitives like Mr. Vijay Mallya. Why UK wants and encourages Global Economic Offenders of Poor Countries to purchase Properties in Central London?Why British Administrators and Courts are interested in the Human Rights of Economic Offenders and Dictators, while ignoring the damage they caused/are causing/will cause to several countries of the World?
Quote from the Article | ybrao-a-donkey's views, not intended to be imposed on others |
For years, Venezuela has been one giant economic laboratory, its 32 million citizens reduced to guinea pigs. The Maduro regime has been condemned worldwide (except by Jeremy Corbyn, who rang Maduro to congratulate him on his election victory and refuses to denounce him). Maduro’s latest experiment is telling, and may well lead to greater economic catastrophe and even massive famine. | I am not sure, whether Mr. Jeremy Corbyn is aware of the Mal-Administration by Dictators and their Coteries in Communist and Socialist Countries. Had he been aware, he might not have congratulated Mr. Maduro. There is a need for Socialist/Marxist Writers and Leaders whether they belong to Ruling Parties or to the Opposition Parties, to be alert and wary, about Dictatorships and Tyrants. |
Incomplete. I am going to complete shortly.